HP-UX 10.20 Documentation

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Operating Systems HP-UX HP-UX 10.20 Documentation
# 1  
Old 06-24-2011
HP-UX 10.20 Documentation

I'm trying to find the 10.20 documentation online.

I found some stuff at g4u0420c.houston.hp.com but these are pretty poor scans some of them being almost unreadable - for example:


which is a scan of a DRAFT version of the X Windows manual, and there doesn't seem to be an index page that points to them - you have to rely on google searches to find them.

As docs.hp.com is regrettably no longer around, that isn't an option Smilie.

Please HP if there's anyone listening, can you put the 10.20 manuals and patch stuff back on line (I know - fat chance).

# 2  
Old 06-24-2011
# 3  
Old 06-24-2011
Err no not really - that just says we closed down docs.hp.com - unless you have a support contract (which I don't) for the new system, and anyway it only has stuff for 11.xx
# 4  
Old 06-24-2011
I have no support contract but I could easily follow the links to full documentation for every version of HP-UX released this century. They are PDF's but I found them quite readable. You're right about no docs for 10.20 though. HP dropped support for that nearly a decade ago.
# 5  
Old 06-25-2011
OK so I was wrong about the support contract, but still would like to find a PDF set of 10.20 docs.
# 6  
Old 06-26-2011
HP-UX 10.20 was a very long time ago. The manuals should be on the release media.
Patch support for End Of Life systems has been withdrawn by HP. This is normal across the industry.

This might be what you are looking for:
If not, please describe you problem.
# 7  
Old 06-27-2011
Yes, I do realise it was a long time ago. I had hoped my post would find a pack-rat who had a set of 10.20 manuals in PDF form on their personal system. If that's not the case then I'm a bit out of luck.

As it happens the manuals I suggested were unreadable, are fine if you print them, just really bad viewed in Acrobat Reader. At the time I made the original post I was looking for the VUE 3.0 manual, and as the one I downloaded from the Houston server is OK when printed, that need is satisfied.

Nonetheless, I'd still like to find a full set of 10.20 manuals in pdf format!!! I do have the June 2000 Instant Information CD, but that's really not the same for studying as a printed manual.

As for why 10.20, this is a machine running HP-UX as an embedded system with customised kernel device drivers. The chances of it working with HP-UX 11.xx are pretty close to the square root of zero.

Thank you all
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