Adding Storage, do I need to bring the DB down?

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Operating Systems HP-UX Adding Storage, do I need to bring the DB down?
# 1  
Old 06-17-2011
Adding Storage, do I need to bring the DB down?

Hi Guys,

Do I need to bring the DB down?

masd023x:[/]: uname -r


Where can I find this type of information?


Last edited by radoulov; 06-17-2011 at 04:56 PM.. Reason: Code tags.
# 2  
Old 06-17-2011
I have to be honest, and say that I don't really know what you're asking Smilie

Add storage to what? What DB? What does HP-UX have to do with it?
# 3  
Old 06-17-2011
Ah, OK... I just saw your previous thread:

I need a procedureto add the storage to the File System?

So I guess you want to add storage to the filesystem?

This isn't Twitter - we're not "following" you, and you don't need to "tweet" bits of information - feel free to put all the pertinent information in a single thread!!
# 4  
Old 06-18-2011
I appreciate your comments. I am not trying to "tweet" or anything close to it. Since I have two questions I thought would be better two open two threads. Sorry if for you I made a mistake. Next time I will ask all questions in one thread :-)

Back to my question sir, yes, I need to add storage to a File System. My background is strong with AS/400 but within Unix flavors AIX is my strongest. HP-UX is a bit different (I guess closest to Linux)

Thanks for your input and again I apologize for not following the standards of this forum.

Have a great day!
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