Asst: Shell Script to sed

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Homework and Emergencies Homework & Coursework Questions Asst: Shell Script to sed
# 8  
Old 12-08-2013
On the second line you could add a
set -x

statement. It may tell you some more...
# 9  
Old 12-09-2013
sh -x sub3 'l*' 'L' '' 'home/bnaranjo/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp'
+ p1=l*
+ shift
+ p2=L
+ shift
+ echo l*
+ echo L
+ echo l*
+ sed -e s/\([*.[^$]]\)/\\\1/g
+ cat temp
+ p1=l*
+ rm temp
+ echo l*
+ sed s/l*/L/g
+ mv temp.out
+ echo l*
+ echo L
+ echo l*
+ sed -e s/\([*.[^$]]\)/\\\1/g
+ cat temp
+ p1=l*
+ rm temp
+ echo l*
+ sed s/l*/L/g home/bnaranjo/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp
sed: can't read home/bnaranjo/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp: No such file or directory
+ mv temp.out home/bnaranjo/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp
mv: cannot move `temp.out' to `home/bnaranjo/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp': No such file or directory

Its not grabbing the /_hippo.cpp file on this test, how can i make it able to do that?
# 10  
Old 12-09-2013
Do you mean to use a relative path from your current directory and if so can your ls -l the file? Or do you mean to use

# 11  
Old 12-10-2013
Originally Posted by Scrutinizer
Do you mean to use a relative path from your current directory and if so can your ls -l the file? Or do you mean to use

Yeah i need to use
home/bnaranjo/UnixCourse/scriptAsst ../_hippo.cpp

, its part of the script testing from what i now, thank you srutinizer

---------- Post updated at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:18 PM ----------

How would i use ls -l in the file?
# 12  
Old 12-10-2013
I mean on the command prompt, go to the directory where you call the script and then issue the command
ls -l home/bnaranjo/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp

# 13  
Old 12-10-2013
Where does the home/bnaranjo/ come from?
From your teacher? Maybe it should be /home/bnaranjo/?
Do a cd / (where home and /home are the same) and run your script from there!
# 14  
Old 12-13-2013
set -x

for FILE in "$@"
        echo $A
        echo $B
        echo "Process $FILE using $A and $B..."

        #echo "$A" | sed -e 's/\([*.[^$]\)/\\\1/g' > target
        #A="`cat target`"
        #rm target
        #echo $A

        sed "s/$p1/$p2/g" "$FILE" > target.out
        mv target.out "$FILE"

I got this but get an error.
+ p1=l*
+ shift
+ p2=L
+ shift
+ echo l*
+ echo L
+ echo Process using l* and L...
+ sed s/l*/L/g
+ mv temp.out
+ echo l*
+ echo L
+ echo Process /home/sofestafont/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp using l* and L...
+ sed s/l*/L/g /home/sofestafont/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp
+ mv temp.out /home/sofestafont/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp

sub3 produced incorrect output on test 37: /home/sofestafont/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/sub3 'l*' 'L' '' '/home/sofestafont/UnixCourse/scriptAsst/../_hippo.cpp'

Which looks like the regular expression got converted to plain text properly.
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