Intermitent System Reboot's

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Special Forums Hardware Filesystems, Disks and Memory Intermitent System Reboot's
# 8  
Old 10-24-2002
HI all,

Thanks to all those that have posted to this thread with suggestions.

Have been scanning a multitude of doc's and it could be as simple as a dying CMOS battery!

I've still much to read (sadly) ... so much for my holiday!
# 9  
Old 10-24-2002
Going back to bad stories...

Not too long ago, some contractor was working in one of our data centers...

He plugged his dodgy ol' drill into one of the mains coming directly out of the UPS, since it was closest.
The dril happened to short out a little into it, and we lost power just long enough to lose all of our internet-connected machines (web, ftp, etc...) to a hasty reboot...

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