Change rootdev from SCSI to IDE

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Special Forums Hardware Filesystems, Disks and Memory Change rootdev from SCSI to IDE
# 1  
Old 09-22-2002
Change rootdev from SCSI to IDE


I have been attempting for the last few hours to change the root device to IDE from and SCSI adapter ... after modifying who knows how many files... (system still runs as long as the SCSI controller is present) ... as soon as I take it out, it gives me a panic, saying that rootdev cannot be mounted.... I am a lot more familiar with linux than unix SCO 3.2 (which i'm workin on now) but if anyone has any ideas .... that would be greatly appreciated!

thank you Smilie
# 2  
Old 09-23-2002
Can I have both IDE and SCSI Drives?
Mixing SCSI and IDE drives can be a problem if you want the root disk to be scsi. The short answer is that you can if your BIOS lets you select which drive to boot (if not, you would have to boot from a floppy). Assuming everything else is in place, "defbootstr hd=Sdsk" should work. See SCSI for a full discussion of this.

This was found at and may help clue you in on the problems. Check out the link for further info or try your own search there.
# 3  
Old 09-23-2002
Yeah, I read that before I even posted this... I'm still working on reading it again, and again... and trying to see what I am missing... but I am still stuck on pretty much the same thing.... somewhere some file is telling (or a series of files) UNIX that my rootdev should be attached to the SCSI controller not the IDE...

if anyone else out there has some sort of suggestions that would be good! or even some sort of a "guide" or "manual" on how unix file systems work and so on...

# 4  
Old 09-25-2002
Solved a different problem too RTM!

Thanx to RTM for supplying the URL. I was able to find a heck of a lot more info about my SCO installation probs, eventually finding a patch to specify a 2gig drive on boot up.

Thanx again.
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