10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. How to Post in the The UNIX and Linux Forums
I have a homework and I tried to work on this but unable to find the solution. Can someone help me how to resolve the issue.
I have a package file and it contains text file as prod.ame300_000001.101414145111.A.txt.
In the text file it contains pdf file... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: pavand
1 Replies
2. Debian
Hi this is my first thread. I use KDE and Gnome on Debian. I configured inittab like what it should be. But when i have an inittab file i can't see anything when i run who -r command.
This is the result of who -r without /etc/inittab
hwpplayer1@build3:~$ who -r
açılış-seviyesi 5... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: hwpplayer1
4 Replies
3. Windows & DOS: Issues & Discussions
i downloaded nic demo application from nic.comuf.com.
working fine ,but when i run batch script ,always display splash screen maybe 10 sec.
how can i remove splash screen when run batch script.?
z (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: zoldkovacs
2 Replies
4. Linux
I'm not able to run perf on linux 4.4. I'm using ubuntu 15.10.
The error I'm getting is:
WARNING: perf not found for kernel 4.4.0
You may need to install the following packages for this specific kernel: linux-tools-4.4.0-4.4.0 linux-cloud-tools-4.4.0-4.4.0
You may also want to install... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: BHASKAR JUPUDI
4 Replies
5. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
goto google -> search for 'pktgen' -> click on the first link, you will get the setup information from linux foundation site..
i am new to the linux environment. so can anyone help me how to run the pktgen?
the first few lines in these documentation are as follows,
"Enable CONFIG_NET_PKTGEN... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: routeme
3 Replies
6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hello, sorry if this has been posted before but i was wondering if there is a way to run a program until a segmentation fault is found.
Currently i'm using a simple shell script which runs my program 100 times, sleeps 1 second because srand(time(0)) is dependent on seconds. Is there a possible... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: aslambilal
1 Replies
7. UNIX and Linux Applications
i have open suse 10.3 and i want to run autocad and 3dsmax in it (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: abu_malek
1 Replies
8. Linux
Hi all,
I want to know that how can we Install and Configure MySQL Server on LINUX.And how can we Use it after installation.As MySQL is also came with the Linux installer but i don't know how to Configure it and Use it.Thanks in advance
Amanpreet Singh (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: aman_mlt
1 Replies
9. Linux
I am interested in creating a list that consists of the popular games that run on Linux with atleast moderate performance ;)
Please post the list of games that you know.
Tips/Links on tweaking some games to run, may also be shared :)
Here is a list ripped from http://www.frankscorner.org :D... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: RipClaw
2 Replies
10. HP-UX
a friend of mine gave me an old HP B180 Unix Workstation with HPUX, the only problem with that, the onboard graphicsbaord doesn´t work anymore. I want to buy a new PCI Graphicsboard (350RAMDAC), but they only have Linux drivers going with the card.
Question: Is it possible to compile... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: hilbi
4 Replies