Why i can't use the tool "turbosoundcfg" to configure the sound in my TurboLinux?

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Special Forums Hardware Filesystems, Disks and Memory Why i can't use the tool "turbosoundcfg" to configure the sound in my TurboLinux?
# 1  
Old 04-02-2002
Data Why i can't use the tool "turbosoundcfg" to configure the sound in my TurboLinux?

But the page "http://www.chinalinuxpub.com/doc/tlc61/node60.html" says it can.Why ?What can i do?
Help me !
Thanks a lot!
# 2  
Old 04-02-2002
Did you login as root ? At least "su" while doing that ? Some configuration or more presicely system settings requirer higher access to configure one system. If the system is been set as no other user can mess any of the system components then we have to use root or su to configure. Give a try.. Login as root or use su.. Post back.
# 3  
Old 04-03-2002
And how do you know you can't? What error are you getting?
# 4  
Old 04-04-2002
i logined as root ,not other user

And the sys tell me:the command not found(or so).
However my os is 7.0(Chinese Version),not 6.0 as the page on www says.I think whether the diffrence exist because of it.But I still doesn't know .
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