10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Solaris
I want to migrate Sun Fire v240 server (sun4u) with Solaris 10 update 6 to LDOM virtual host (sun4v). I was mount NFS directory from another server in /mnt and did this steps on v240
1) I add to the /var/sadm/system/admin/.platform
# cat... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: pbubentsov
1 Replies
2. AIX
Hi Folks,
How to restore mksysb image on LPAR which is already having cloned AIX OS installed on hdisk0 (nothing configured, only full partition image is sitting on hdisk0)
Let me know.
Thank a lot. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: snchaudhari2
1 Replies
3. AIX
Dear Team:
I am new to this Forum and I need your help for my AIX restoration problem
its very urgent
my problem as follow
failure I have a Tivoli Storage Manger was installed on that server.
I created backup image using Tivoli and it created a set of files each file is around 2GB
so... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Firas_Abed
1 Replies
4. Solaris
In a Solaris9 environment I'm trying to restore flash archive (flar) with SVM mirrored devices to same server via jumpstart server and it is failing to create boot file and drops down to a command prompt in single user mode, metastat -i and metastat -p output looks good when compared to the ones... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: mbak
0 Replies
5. Red Hat
Hello All,
I backed up my RHEL 4 as an image.
Then I restored the image (by mondorestore) on my machine. Everything went fine but I dont get the normal boot sequence as it used to come when I freshly installed RHEL4.
The messages that are shown when the system boots are something like-
"... (13 Replies)
Discussion started by: shamik
13 Replies
6. AIX
hi all
i just found one of my p650 server showing a warning message when i
tried to run bosboot command after upgrading TL to AIX 530803.
i also tried to run chpv -c hdisk0 and chpv -c hdisk1 to clear out the
old boot info in hdisk0 and hdisk1 and rerun bosboot -a. it still
showed... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: rs6000er
0 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have several folders full of image sequences from an animation.
The image frames are named Frame0001.png to Frame0900.png, somewhere along the way the images have been named in reverse order.
Is there a script that read the contents of a folder and renumber the files Frame0001.png -... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: BlightyDevil
1 Replies
8. AIX
I am new to AIX, as I was primarily working on HP-UX servers.
We have some production servers and a couple of lab servers. We have upgraded over 40 servers from 5.2 to 5.3 running a particular application(1) using the golden 5.3 upgraded servers copy of makesysb. We have only two... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: dayinthelife
3 Replies
9. Solaris
Hi all,
I have solaris and xp installed...
Usually solaris occupies the first boot slot.
So i wanted to know if it is possible to change the boot sequence to xp first and then solaris? (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: wrapster
5 Replies
10. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi everybody,
I have to create a script and put it in the boot up sequence .
Can you give me the path where i can put it?
Sorry it's my first script.
DElphine (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: delphine
3 Replies