Re: How To Run Shell Script

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Operating Systems Linux Fedora Re: How To Run Shell Script
# 1  
Old 08-14-2011
Re: How To Run Shell Script

Hi ,

I Have Installed Red Hat Linux 5(Guest O.S) In Vmware And Host O.S Is Windows 7 .I Am Unable To Run Script File In It Is Giving Error E32: No File Name.For All Basic Commands It's Working
Fine Like Cat ,Cmp.,etc .
I Logging As Root User And Working Under The Directory I Am Using KSH Shell .

This Are The Steps I Am Following For Creating A Script .

1). vi ( To Open Vi Editor )

2). vi filename ( vi firstprog.ksh)

3) !wq Smilie Saving And Quit) When I Am Saving The Scrpit I Am Getting The Below Error E32:No File Name

# 2  
Old 08-14-2011
You don't need "!" - it's for calling a subshell command. Just type <ESC>:wq
You can use "!" after w or q command to force execution of these commands.

Well, use (#!/bin/sh instead of #!bin\kash):
$ vi filename

Now press these keys in vi editor:

Then in shell:
$ chmod +x filename
$ ./filename

Last edited by yazu; 08-14-2011 at 09:51 AM..
# 3  
Old 08-14-2011
Re: Unable To Execuate Shell Script

Hi ,

Thanks For Quick Reply ,Now File Is Getting Save But When I Am Executing
The Script I Am Getting The Below Error

!/bin/ksh: not found [no such file or directory]


---------- Post updated at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:54 PM ----------

Originally Posted by anudeepkumar123
Hi ,

I Have Installed Red Hat Linux 5(Guest O.S) In Vmware And Host O.S Is Windows 7 .I Am Unable To Run Script File In It Is Giving Error E32: No File Name.For All Basic Commands It's Working
Fine Like Cat ,Cmp.,etc .
I Logging As Root User And Working Under The Directory I Am Using KSH Shell .

This Are The Steps I Am Following For Creating A Script .

1). vi ( To Open Vi Editor )

2). vi filename ( vi firstprog.ksh)

3) !wq Smilie Saving And Quit) When I Am Saving The Scrpit I Am Getting The Below Error E32:No File Name

Hi ,

Thanks For Quick Reply ,Now File Is Getting Save But When I Am Executing
The Script I Am Getting The Below Error

!/bin/ksh: not found [no such file or directory]

Thanks Image Image

---------- Post updated at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:56 PM ----------

# 4  
Old 08-15-2011
What are you trying to execute (script content...)?
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