Find Files in Directory by Permission?

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Operating Systems Linux Fedora Find Files in Directory by Permission?
# 8  
Old 09-24-2009
can you post the script?

the find ..-exec flag is for operating on every find result. Think of batch renaming, archiving, or deleting.
# 9  
Old 09-24-2009
The VMWare won't allow me to have a shared clipboard. I could, however, take a pic.
# 10  
Old 09-24-2009
I tried to post an image. Says a moderator needs to accept it. Ugh.

But this is making no sense. I could be done with this now if it weren't for Fedora deciding it's going to defy logic. The big line starting with Find. Right? That equals 6 for my test directory. Which is correct. That big line is what my "Count" value should be. So I decide I'll write that count to "COUNT". Then IMMEDIATELY, for the sake of testing, echo it to verify it'll spit out the right value. But nothing. It's actually NOT echoing when I'm clearly telling it to. I'm very confused.

Example: COUNT=find $directory -type f -perm 666 -print | wc -l
echo $count

and nothing displays.

Then I was like "COUNT="loltest"
echo $count

and nothing. Why aren't my values displaying now?

Last edited by Feuyaer; 09-24-2009 at 07:29 PM..
# 11  
Old 09-24-2009
echo $count will display the value of 'count' but not of 'COUNT'.

what does 'echo $COUNT' display, or are you just typing in haste?
# 12  
Old 09-24-2009

I can say

echo $COUNT

and nothing is happening....?

I really don't know what happened. I just made a NEW code and simply told it to echo something. And nothing comes up. It....stopped echoing entirely? Wow.

is this right? I'm trying an If statement to check if the number isn't 0.

if [ find $directory -type f -print -perm 666 ] -gt 0

...etc etc. But it's not working. No error messages, but it's not working.
I tried putting the -gt 0 in the brackets, but same thing.

Last edited by Feuyaer; 09-24-2009 at 07:52 PM..
# 13  
Old 09-24-2009
Ok, I checked your image.

You are doing this:
find $directory -type f -perm 666 -print | wc -l > results.txt

which is outputting the result of 'wc' to 'results.txt' Thus results.txt contains something like
 6 results.txt

Then you set
count=wc -l results.txt

which is always going to be 1.

What you want to do instead is:
find $directory -type f -perm 666 -print > results.txt
count=wc -l results.txt|cut -f1 -d' '

that will output the results of the find to the file, and then you wordcount on it.
you can insert a 'cat results.txt' to check its contents too.

not sure about your new echo problem.
# 14  
Old 09-24-2009
Yeah the echo thing is still a problem. But I re-entered that code you typed and everything works the same still. But still I can't echo anything else AND no matter what sort of If-Else I put it to ensure it's not zero, it does nothing. I even tested the If-Else once by changing the parameter to SDFSEFDG WRGDF. Just random text. And nothing happened. No error. It's ignoring my text. Ugh. I guess I'll have to hand in this assignment without an If-Else if this programs going to break down on me like this.

Thanks for your help thus far though. I have one last part of the assignment that I might need to ask some questions about, if you're still willing to answer a few questions here.

---------- Post updated at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:14 PM ----------

Sorry for the double post, I wasn't sure if just editing the last post would make my helper here re-check the topic.

Now I need to do something similar then different. Have the user input a directory again. Verify it. But then:
-Loop through allll (?) the files and find how many total sub-directories branch from the specified directory.
-Name the newest, and oldest, of these sub-directories. I really don't know where to begin. I might have a grasp on looping but I'm not sure of what I'd use to go through directories....whether there's a simple command, or if I need to use a whole lot of ls shenanigans to go through a hundred things....?

Heh. Any tips, pointers, or good commands to use here?

-Edit: I'm impressed with myself lol. In a single day of Unix I've figured out most of this assignment I'm one currently. The one thing I can't quite get is bugging me though. If the selected directory has only one subdirectory, it is to be named. In a message. There's messages like "no subdirectories were found", but I need a way to find the name of the one and only subdirectory, if a folder has just one. cd......sooomething. I'm not sure of the name, and I need to find out.. Smilie

Last edited by Feuyaer; 09-24-2009 at 11:33 PM..
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