Solaris zone attach failed

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Old 03-22-2014
Solaris zone attach failed

I have a non global zone in server1, its name is server1-zone1. I am migrating this non global zone to server2 -- >
I have already detached zone from server1, copied all contents from /zones/server1-zone1 of server1 to /zone/server1-zone1/root of psobip01 ( I intentionally changing root path in new server to avoid cross mounts).
While attaching I getting error
zoneadm: zone 'server1-zone1': "/usr/lib/fs/lofs/mount /zone/server1-zone1/root/lu/a/etc /zone/server1-zone1/root/lu/etc" failed with exit code 111
zoneadm: zone 'server1-zone1': cannot mount /zone/server1-zone1/root/lu/etc on /etc: Error 0
zoneadm: zone 'server1-zone1: call to zoneadmd failed
Cannot generate the information needed to attach this zone.

I am kind of stuck here. Anybody is having idea, if this is a known issue ?
Please ignore this question. While I was copying files through pax, it seems it skipped many open files and those were not copied to new server (server2). I had to tar root of server1-zone1 and then untarred it to destination and that worked for me.

Last edited by Perderabo; 03-22-2014 at 10:00 PM.. Reason: Issue resolved
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