AIX Hangups when process runs

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# 1  
Old 08-21-2013
AIX Hangups when process runs

When a data load process is running, there seems to be hangups happening. By hangup, I mean the application screen exits, a blue screen appears with an AIX prompt and the word Hangup.
It is not happening at the same point of the data file, because if that had happened, I would have considered it to be bad data or something like that. I double checked this one, by loading the same file on another test server and everything worked fine. Can someone help me figure out how to trace what in AIX could cause the hangup?

# 2  
Old 08-21-2013
This is a bit vague. At a guess..are you logging into the system, then running a program (data load is not specific)...and then you get the hangup and then logged out. If so, you should use a terminal emulator to log session output, then running truss <program>. Another thing you can do is login to the system and attach to the process from another session to observe what is happening...this depends on the o/s in terms of how you would do this.
# 3  
Old 08-22-2013
I concur with blackrageous: the problem is described very vaguely. So the following is just a wild guess. If your session is configured to log you out after some time of inactivity and your running job somehow doesn't count towards activity you might face this problem.

Solutions could in this case include: switch off the automatic logout, either by setting off the TMOUT-value in your login shell or whatever you used to achieve the automatic logout. Or make your job counting towards the activity. Maybe it is started with nohup, so that it disconnects from the process tree of your login shell or something such.

Sorry to be so vague, but from a vague description you can't expect detailed answers.

I hope this helps.

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