Security Databases are corrupt. HELP!!

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Special Forums Cybersecurity Security Databases are corrupt. HELP!!
# 1  
Old 05-20-2002
Data Security Databases are corrupt. HELP!!


SCO Unix 5.05.

A relatievely new system went down on me today. I got the dreaded error:

Out of Space on Device (1/42).

I was able to clear up some space in the /tmp directory, however, when I try to boot, the system prompts me to go into single user mode and I get the following messages:

Security Databases are Corrupt.
Starting root shell on console to allow repairs.
Entering system maintenance mode.

I have never gotten these messages before nor do I know where to start. Can someone guide me?

G. Seyforth
# 2  
Old 05-21-2002
I just searched Google for '"Security Databases are Corrupt" SCO', and the first hit was this one:

Hope it helps.
# 3  
Old 05-21-2002

I was in my SCO Admin Reference Guide and was looking at the very same reference as I received your post.

Long story short. The security databases were corrupt, however, when I restored them, SCO still prompted me to INIT: Single user mode. Running 'authck' took forever for only 50 or so users and did not correct any authentication errors. What I found was not only /etc/passwd and /etc/group were corrupt, so were the shadow files, etc.

OH! There was also no free space on hd(42). Mind you, a relatively new system! I found that our backup manager (ctar - i higly recommend it!) kept logs over 5 meg in size for every master backup, verify, & restore since Jan 01. We never set the ctar to purge old files after so many days.

Long story short..... and the part I really hate. Trying to correct the errors after hours & hours, I got out a master backup, made sure it worked, backed up prior days work, made sure that worked, did a fsck and a divvy (to create more space on the root drive).

Now, 48 hours later and semi-sleep deprevation setting in , i have an operable O/S.

Thanks for the reference!
Georgio S.
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