comands inside the script

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# 1  
Old 02-13-2008
comands inside the script


i want to put a set of commands inside a script and executing commands sequentially. there are 2 commands, the first command copies the program from my machine to another machine, execute it and get the result on my machine. the second command removes the program which was copied to the remote machine. I have already made the ssh authentication. I need to integrate both of them in one single script so that if i run that script it gives the result. Can somebody give some suggestions?

first command
cat /path of my machine/ | ssh user@remotemachine "cat > /path of the remote server where the file is copied/ ; perl /path of the remote server where the file is copied/

second command: removing the file after executing

ssh user@remotemachine rm /path of the remote server where the file is copied/

# 2  
Old 02-13-2008
Instead of using cat and piping, couldn't You just do something like:
scp user@remote:
result=$(ssh user@remote
ssh user@remote rm
echo $result

# 3  
Old 02-13-2008
Thanks a lot Lakris...

scp user@remote:remote path
result=$(ssh user@remote
echo $result
ssh user@remote rm

i jus swapped the last 2 lines of ur script, cuz it deletes the file before it gets executed.

# 4  
Old 02-13-2008

Yes but the content of result is in Your local machine, isn't it? And that doesn't get deleted until You end the script.

# 5  
Old 02-13-2008
Originally Posted by Lakris

Yes but the content of result is in Your local machine, isn't it? And that doesn't get deleted until You end the script.

ohhh k... i got it ....

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