CEP Summit 2007 - The Gartner Event for Events

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Old 09-26-2007
CEP Summit 2007 - The Gartner Event for Events

Wed, 26 Sep 2007 00:49:35 +0000
<font face="Times New Roman">Well, we're all now back at the ranch so to speak, having recently wrapped up our latest adventure at the First (annual) Gartner Event Processing Summit recently held in Orlando, Florida.* <font face="Times New Roman"><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman"><font face="Times New Roman"><font face="Times New Roman">TIBCO was in attendance as a Platinum sponsor.* It was a big deal for us - in some ways, this event was a “coming out” party for the CEP market, the*“industry”, and the TIBCO BusinessEvents CEP software product.*
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman">It was also a big deal for Gartner as they were taking a chance that the infrastructure is ready for a prime time CEP trade show.* And it seems to be well on its way now.* <font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Some observations that I gathered from attending the show were:
  • -***** CEP as a mass market is still early, but now gathering steam.* Indeed, from the speakers, trade* articles, bloggers and case studies, the subject matter is “hot”.
  • -**** There were many case studies in Financial Services for CEP.
  • -***** There is confusion about the differences between Event Stream Processing and Complex Event Processing.* ESP seems to be good at picking out event patterns very fast.* But that’s about it.
  • *-**** CEP associated vendors are launching very rapidly.* Associated vendors outside the space i/e Business Intelligence, Data Warehouses, are also interested in the potential of this technology and were also there kicking tires.
  • -***** The latter half of the CEP problem seems to be missing from most other vendors.* Once the event pattern is discovered you still need to do something about it i/e *resolve the problem or take advatantage of the discovered opportunity.* And this is where the Rules based CEP systems and BPM products come into play, including TIBCO's.*
Overall, I thought that it was an auspicious beginning… and it will continue.* Gartner announced there will be a second CEP show next August in New York City at the Gartner Financial Services*show.
Better book early.*****************************************************************************************


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