How much space is needed by /usr?

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Operating Systems AIX How much space is needed by /usr?
# 1  
Old 02-20-2008
How much space is needed by /usr?

Aix 5.2

If you install Aix and accept the default settings for the various filesystems how much space is allocated for /usr?

I've just accepted the default settings for the install prompts and no third party apps have been installed.

# 2  
Old 02-20-2008
All the files in /usr are installed by installp methods from bff-packages. (At least this is the case with the OS install.) Installp enlarges the filesystem automatically when using defaults, therefore you never have to care about the size of /usr.

Typically hd2 (the LV holding /usr) is filled to 90-95% after install and the size depends on which options you install. Our typical LPARs (AIX 5.3 ML4-6, no man-pages, lots of unneeded drivers, TSM, ...) have sizes of 1.5-2.0GB.

Whats the background of your question?

# 3  
Old 02-20-2008
I've described my problem in a post from yesterday "filesystem arg !!! and confused".

Something seems to be eating up my /usr filesystem and this has been going on for quite some time. I've searched for log files, and newly created files, etc and I don't find anything. My /usr filesystem is now set at 3.8 gb and filled to 90%. I have drive space I can add to it, but every so often, I reboot the server and the /usr filesystem shrinks to around 70%. This doesn't happen everytime I reboot the server, only so often. I've probably added 1 gb over the last 3 years, and this system is fairly static. We run Pick or D3 on it and Samba and that's it. And they have been on it from day 1. I'm tired of adding space to the filesystem to fix the problem. I've posted up a few times about this problem and I've searched Google, etc, and never found or gotten an answer thats explains it. Why would /usr shrink and then start to expand? It's not log files I watch them like a hawk.

And thanks for the reply.
# 4  
Old 02-20-2008
ok, got it. Honestly, this is really strange. Anyways, i ask you to put every information as well as every question which might arise in this context context into one thread.

If someone else will be searching for a solution of this or a similar problem he should find your thread, what happened to solve your problem, what didn't work and why - in short: everything belonging to this theme. This goal might probably be obstructed by asking connected questions outside this thread.

If you have another problem or question not related to your problem, at any rate, open another thread! But if you just want to clarify some detail about this problem, please stick with the thread you already have opened.

I will further discuss this topic in the main thread.

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