change ip in aix not using smitty

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Operating Systems AIX change ip in aix not using smitty
# 1  
Old 02-18-2008
change ip in aix not using smitty

I want to change my ip by not using smitty, could please help me and what to edit files. So that everytime i will restart my server it will not change.
# 2  
Old 02-19-2008
(man) ifconfig

I hope this helps.

# 3  
Old 02-19-2008
Chaninging the IP address with ifconfig does not live through reboot because then you are only changing running system and not the ODM.
Do a "lsattr -El enX" where X is the number of the ethernet device the ip address resides on. There you will see what parameters to change with chdev command.
Note that if you are moving to a different network and require a different route then the route is stored in the device inet0 - "lsattr -El inet0". A chdev would be required there as well for the route change, if neccessary.
# 4  
Old 02-19-2008
True, but the threadstarter wanted exactly this behavior:

So that everytime i will restart my server it will not change.
Or have i gotten him wrong?

# 5  
Old 02-19-2008
isn't it so that you can view the commands smitty is going to perform by hitting [F6] in the window you are in?

with that option you can figure out what statement(s) to perform from command line to achieve what you want..
(you need to look in smitty once...)
# 6  
Old 02-19-2008
its true we can change Ip in command line using ifconfig,
same goes to solaris you can change ip by ifconfig. But what im trying to say, when you restart your server the one changed the ip it will goes back to its normal IP.

the one written in /etc/inet/ipnodes for solaris or /etc/rc/config.d/netconf for HP. So what im trying to say, you need to edit those files in order it will be permanent.

So you guys know, where are these so called config files in aix? All i know was linux,solaris and HP.
# 7  
Old 02-19-2008
Originally Posted by rvegmond
isn't it so that you can view the commands smitty is going to perform by hitting [F6] in the window you are in?
Yes, that is right. Alas, these scripts are sometimes a bit counterintuitive and hard to read.

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