VI Substitution problem

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Operating Systems AIX VI Substitution problem
# 1  
Old 02-09-2008
VI Substitution problem

I'm having a problem getting my variables to work in dishing out an RMC script.

The $1 works fine. $2 does not
Here's a portion of the script:

dsh -w $1 'mkcondition -c "/var space used" -s "Name == \"$2\"" -e "PercentTotUsed > 90" -d "An event will be generated when more than 90 percent" -E "PercentTotUsed < 85" -D "The event will be rearmed when the percent of the space used in the $2 directory falls below 85 percent." "$2 space 90% used"'
The cmd entered on the cmd line is

./mkcondition techserv /testfs1Here is the output
+ filesystem1=/testfs1
+ filesystem2=
+ filesystem3=
echo $2
+ echo /testfs1
dsh -w $1 'mkcondition -c "/var space used" -s "Name == \"$2\"" -e "PercentTotUsed > 90" -d "An event will be generated when more than 90 percent" -E "PercentTotUsed < 85" -D "The event will be rearmed when the percent of the space used in the $2 directory falls below 85 percent." "$2 space 90% used"'
+ dsh -w techserv mkcondition -c "/var space used" -s "Name == \"$2\"" -e "PercentTotUsed > 90" -d "An event will be generated when more than 90 percent" -E "PercentTotUsed < 85" -D "The event will be rearmed when the percent of the space used in the $2 directory falls below 85 percent." "$2 space 90% used"

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. __._
# 2  
Old 02-11-2008
Why \"$2\" ? (the backslashes puzzles me, I dont understant what you are up to with them, there will be no substitution to the value of $2 is that what you want?)
# 3  
Old 02-11-2008
Thanks for replying.
The "Name == \"$2\"" is part of the mkcondition command structure in RMC.

And the quotes and backslashes are what's failing my substitution...grrr..

I've tried hundred different ways but cant get it to substitute..

Mike M.
# 4  
Old 02-11-2008
Im (more..) awake now... forget my previous post...
theres nothing wrong with your double quotes... I wonder if its not the single quotes giving you trouble...

Just thoughts...
# 5  
Old 02-11-2008
I agree they could be, but the single quotes are needed when dsh'ing out from the control work station.

# 6  
Old 02-12-2008
My suggestion is:

dsh -w $1
#You are lets say on server1 and so it knows of $1 therefore substitutes

'mkcondition -c "/var space used" -s "Name == \"$2\"" -e "PercentTotUsed > 90" -d "An event will be generated when more than 90 percent" -E "PercentTotUsed < 85" -D "The event will be rearmed when the percent of the space used in the $2 directory falls below 85 percent." "$2 space 90% used"'
# Here you are on remote server $1... how does he know of $2 ? so I believe $2 is substituted to ""

Have you tried to export $1 $2 before dsh (thats 6 years now I havent touched dsh, was a time when I was responsible of a SP2...) but I may be saying a load of nonsense and should stay home (not well bu 2 collegues are of ill...)
# 7  
Old 02-12-2008
The "$2" will be resolved, because variables are expanded prior to the execution of a command (see "command evaluation in the Korn shell" - to change the default behaviour is what "eval" is for, yes?) .

The problem is that the "$2" is inside single quotes, which will prevent evaluation of the variable:

# var="hello there"
# print $var
hello there
# print "$var"
hello there
# print '$var'

Making the variable $2 expand is a bit cumbersome, it goes like that:

# print 'hello '"$var"'.'
hello there.

vbe said:
(thats 6 years now I havent touched dsh, was a time when I was responsible of a SP2...)
ahh, the good old days of PSSP 2.1 and 2.2 - before IBM came up with that "perspectives"-crap......

I hope this helps.

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