10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Programming
I can't compile anything, the final make error says "Command failed for target `install-recursive'", but I am not able to identify the root cause of that error, I tried with cc, gcc 4.5, also gcc 5.2, using make, using gmake 3.82, ld 5.11, gld 2.31... and I am totally stuck yet... please help, to... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: sugar222
4 Replies
2. Red Hat
Hi All,
I am trying to compile httpd2.2.19 in RHEL5.5 using gcc version 4.1.2. This is first time I am trying to compile httpd in RHEL.
I ran configure with below option
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-rewrite --enable-ssl=shared... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: kalpeer
0 Replies
3. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have just installed OpenBSD on a 333MHz PPC iMac G3. It has a 6GB HDD that has been partitioned as 1GB MacOS 8.5.1, 3GB MacOS X 10.3.9, 2GB OpenBSD 4.8. I now need to install a bootloader so that my computer can recognize the OpenBSD partition at startup. I have been trying to install... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: t04st3r
0 Replies
4. SuSE
Hi all!
I have posted in the Shell Programming Scripting Forum for a problem with the use of shc and so on...
You can read it complete here: shell-programming-scripting/148510-problems-using-shc.html
I think the problem is: that there aren't compiler installed on the SuSe 10.2 server,... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Magius
4 Replies
5. AIX
Hi All,
We are in the processing of upgrading our AIX server OS from to 6.1. And we have a set of highly critical running C applications in AIX box. I have a question like whether this upgradation of OS will affect any C code compilation and C runtime enviornment...
how does AIX 6.1... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: karthikc
1 Replies
6. Programming
I am new to comiling c/c++ programs with gcc compilier
unix - AIX version 5.3
gcc compiler version - 4.0.0
My makefile.
# makefile 1.0 08/20/98
#CC = cc
CC = gcc
ESQL = esql
CFLAGS = -Wall
DBSLIB=-L${INFORMIXDIR}/lib/esql -L${INFORMIXDIR}/lib `esql -libs`
ALL = hds_near... (9 Replies)
Discussion started by: anish
9 Replies
7. Programming
Hi all,
Yeasterday I try to compile c program by using cygwin. I just find an errors the fist one is concerinig about the end of the line.
To summit my Assignment which is the day after tommorow I have to compile my c program by using just gcc.
If any one know what do I have to... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: Bell
5 Replies
8. AIX
hi, everybody£º
i have a question, pls help me¡£
OS : RS/6000 AIX 4.3.3
cPU : Powerpc,POWER3
compiler : gcc 3.2.3
source file £º 8M
OS kernel : 32 bit (selecting at installing operating system, the hardware support 64 bit)
when i compiling the large source file (8 M), i... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: q30
3 Replies
9. Programming
Hi all,
I compile my c program and get following result
hrnpfc01.c:1387: stray '\' in program
hrnpfc01.c:1387: parse error before `,'
hrnpfc01.c:1388: stray '\' in program
hrnpfc01.c:1388: parse error before `,'
hrnpfc01.c:1396: stray '\' in program
hrnpfc01.c:1396: parse error before... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: zico
4 Replies
10. Programming
I need to know how to make a binary with gcc. I know how to create an obj file, but I'm not quite sure what to do about the linking part. I've gotten this far "gcc -c somefile.c somefile.o" then I'm left with an object file, but I don't see any linking command line options. Does anyone know how... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: lilprogrammer
4 Replies