10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Please can i use:
find /home/username/public_html/_sub/*/wp-content/*cache* -type f -delete
command to empty all folders contianing "cache" in wp-content directory.
issue is that in /home/username/public_html/_sub/
i have around 50 folders and i want to use this rule on all of them, so im... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: postcd
3 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi, I'd like to ask if anybody can help improve my code to move 1 million+ files from a directory to another:
find /source/dir -name file* -type f | xargs -I '{}' mv {} /destination/dir
I learned this line of code from this forum as well and it works fine. However, file movement is kinda... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: agentgrecko
6 Replies
3. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I need to find a file that has been modified in last 3-4 hours. mtime tells us about file modified in n days. Is there any way I can check for hours or minutes file modified or created before. (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: ankush_mehra
5 Replies
4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi all,
4 files are returned when i issue 'find . -mtime -1 -type f -ls'.
However, when I issued the below command:
tar -cvf test.tar `find . -mtime -1 -type f`, the tar file only contains the 1st file -... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: ahSher
2 Replies
5. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
1. command
tar cf abcd.tar *.prn
There is no *.prn files in the path, eventhough it is creating the abcd.tar.
Can anyone tell me how can i resolve this problem? (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: kingganesh04
2 Replies
6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Can anyone interpret and tell me the way the below command works?
find * -name "*${msgType}" -mtime +${archiveDays} -prune -type f -print 2>/dev/null | xargs rm -f 2> /dev/null
Please tell me the usage of prune and xargs in the above command?
Looking forward your reply.
Thanks in... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: venkatesht
1 Replies
7. HP-UX
how can I find cpu usage memory usage swap usage and
I want to know CPU usage above X% and contiue Y times and memory usage above X % and contiue Y times
my final destination is monitor process
logical volume usage above X % and number of Logical voluage above
can I not to... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: alert0919
3 Replies
8. Solaris
is there any way to search the file using find command, so that it searches for the file considering the file name as case in-sensitive
For example file name is AbcD.txt
but i'm not sure of the file name just remember it was abcd.txt
find / -name "abcd.txt" -print
how do we go bout the... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: raman1605
2 Replies
9. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I usually ise find to search a file or name on the unix, since I am not administrator, there will be many line appear 'cannot access',usually a hundred of lines. How can I prevent this line coming out? only show I want?
The command I use is :
find / -name abcdef -print
Thank all expert. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: zp523444
1 Replies
10. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I am just using the command Tar to find if a file was backuped on my tape.
Can you help me with that command. I am using the command :
tar -tvf /dev/rmt/4m /kcc_dms/AC7/c15a* > toto.txt to find all files c15a* in these subdirectories on my tape. But it doesn't work correctly.
Can... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: steiner
2 Replies