Is it possible to have more than one Cron in shell script?

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Operating Systems AIX Is it possible to have more than one Cron in shell script?
# 1  
Old 12-14-2007
Is it possible to have more than one Cron in shell script?


can we have more than one cron in the shell script? If so pls let me know on what basis it is running. Whether on OS scheduling or the time scheduled in the cron file.Pls answer this query.

Many Thanks
# 2  
Old 12-16-2007
cron is the scheduler. The runs the jobs by referring the table crontab. Or you can schedule the jobs via "at"
We can have only one cron demon running on the server. However we can use other schedulers on the same server like cosbatch, autosys etc
# 3  
Old 12-16-2007
Each user gets a crontab, each crontab can have a number of entries.

Each entry has a date/time specification and a command to run.

Only one cron process is required, it spawns child processes and runs the commands as required.
# 4  
Old 12-17-2007
Thanks Kundunni..hence it is depends on...

Originally Posted by Kundunni
cron is the scheduler. The runs the jobs by referring the table crontab. Or you can schedule the jobs via "at"
We can have only one cron demon running on the server. However we can use other schedulers on the same server like cosbatch, autosys etc
Hi Kundunni,

Thanks for you reply. Hence it is only one cron containing many crontabs on the server and it is not related to the operating system.
# 5  
Old 12-17-2007
Thanks Porter

Originally Posted by porter
Each user gets a crontab, each crontab can have a number of entries.

Each entry has a date/time specification and a command to run.

Only one cron process is required, it spawns child processes and runs the commands as required.
Hi Porter,

Thanks for your reply.
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