10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. AIX
I have configured the NIM Master using AIX 5.3.7, I am getting below message bootp:bootp request fail:0 while booting nim client.
Though both system are able to ping each other.
Manoj (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: manoj.solaris
5 Replies
2. AIX
I would like to try installation via NIM server. I have set up :
master machines master
boot resources boot
nim_script resources nim_script
NET_EN0 networks ent
mksysb_AIX_6141 resources ... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: phobus
4 Replies
3. AIX
hello folks,
Can someone help me troubleshoot the NIM Server
# hostname
# cat /etc/hostname bcoeqa bcoeqa.bin.com.sa oldbcoedv
# cat /etc/bootptab
# T180 -- (xstation only) -- enable virtual screen
#NO CLIENTS... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: filosophizer
6 Replies
4. AIX
I have never used NIM. Please help with the steps for configuring NIM server and client.
Pchangba (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: pchangba
3 Replies
5. AIX
Can any one help.....
How will do migration through NIM server? (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: AIXlearner
4 Replies
6. AIX
Hello All,
I believe my NIM master is fine. lsnim and cat /etc/niminfo gives me the right output. While doing "lsnim" on a client machine, I get ksh:lsnim:"not found".
Please someone be nice enough to explain what are the steps to verify the master and client connectivity to do all the NIM... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: solaix14
3 Replies
7. AIX
I try to migrate a NIM server from one server to another.
I try to do a mksysb on NIM server
restore the NIM server's mksysb to a client through NIM installation
shutdown NIM server
start newly installed client as NIM server
Does anyone do this before? who can give me some suggestion? (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: yanzhang
1 Replies
8. AIX
Hi Guys..
Got a NIM issue.. Am trying to pull a image of a client from NIM server.
am getting the following error... in standard error output..
0042-001 nim: processing error encountered on "master":
Usage: rm File...
Am using the same script to pull image and it works fine..... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: balaji_prk
1 Replies
9. AIX
Is anybody using a NIM server for DR recovery purposes? If so, how are you handling Volume Groups outside of root? (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: kd30185
0 Replies
10. AIX
Hi, I'a a new member here.
My company just bought p570 with 8 LPAR (previously we have p650 with 4 LPAR).
Did anyone have procedure how to setup NIM server (NIM LPAR) and how to install other new LPAR to use the NIM server (as client).
Appreciate your help and thank you very much.
David (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: dshg
0 Replies