File Accessed Alarm ??

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Operating Systems AIX File Accessed Alarm ??
# 1  
Old 09-29-2007
Error File Accessed Alarm ??


I want to ask a simple Question....

How would I be able to come to know that files/directoires in a Parent directory has been accessed (means contents of the file has been just viewed) by the user(s) in a group ? and mail the name(s) of those files/directories which has been accessed recently in past 1 or 2 minutes with the name of the user who viewed the files/direcotries.

How will I write script for this ??

Please answer this QUESTION asap as I am after this problem for past 15 days and I did't get any perfect answer.

Please Help !!
Thanks in Advance...Smilie
# 2  
Old 09-29-2007
Originally Posted by varungupta
Please answer this QUESTION asap as I am after this problem for past 15 days and I did't get any perfect answer.
Based on your specification and a normal UNIX file system, I don't believe you can do this.
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