[Solved] Find command hangs my terminal session

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Operating Systems AIX [Solved] Find command hangs my terminal session
# 1  
Old 03-07-2014
[Solved] Find command hangs my terminal session

Hello every one.

I know little to nothing about AIX. Recently I have been assigned to an AIX project.

For some reason or another the find command is hanging the server.
Well it does not hand server per say, it just freezes my terminal session.

after running find, I waited up to 40 min and did not receive any output.

i've tried using it for things i know exist. It does not matter what I try to find, it always hangs my terminal session. any ideas why?

find / -name ftp.

please help, i really need this find command to work. If i cant get it to work, i need an alternative to searching all directories for a specific file.

Last edited by Don Cragun; 03-07-2014 at 02:19 AM.. Reason: Add CODE tags.
# 2  
Old 03-07-2014
Searching every directory on every file system on a server running AIX may take a while.

Do you really expect to find a file named ftp.? (The argument to the find -name primary is a filename matching pattern; not a regular expression.)
# 3  
Old 03-07-2014
Originally Posted by busi386
i've tried using it for things i know exist. It does not matter what I try to find, it always hangs my terminal session. any ideas why?

find / -name ftp.

I can only second what Don Cragun has said: it may take a while to traversse the complete filesystem (this is what you do). Not because of AIX being AIX but because of huge amounts of data taking some while to sift though. Post the output of "df -g" to see how much disk space is mounted on the system (as an indication of how long it might take to traverse the FSs).

Or try something like

find /tmp -name file-known-to-be-in-tmp

because /tmp is usually small compared to the complete mounted filespace. If this still hangs the terminal we have to look for a different explanation.

I hope this helps.

# 4  
Old 03-07-2014
it looks like that was the issue. after talking to a coworker i found out there are a couple of huge file systems that may be slowing down the find command. thx.
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