Live Partition Mobility

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Operating Systems AIX Live Partition Mobility
# 1  
Old 11-01-2013
Live Partition Mobility

Hello All,
I recently did LPM at one of my client site, and thought of sharing it with the forum.

I hope you find it helpful.
These 3 Users Gave Thanks to ibmtech For This Post:
# 2  
Old 11-02-2013
A suggestion when you want to use LPM:

An LPAR can only move to a managed system where the VIOSes know about the vSCSI disks the LPAR needs (usually the rootvg disks, less commonly the datavg-disks). Therefore we do the following every time we commission a new LPAR:

- create the LUN (zone the storage, ...)
- make the LUN known to all the VIOSes it might want to use
- Install the LPAR, which includes getting a PVid onto the hdisk device

The benefit is twofold: first, we immediately realize if the LUN is not zoned to all the VIOSes (doesn't happen any more now that we commissioned a zoning script, which can't forget anything, but it happened before). Second: we will not have to worry about LPM, because we "built it in" the LPAR from the beginning.

Btw., the same goes for other vSCSI-disks, which aren't rootvg-disks (we use NPIV instead now, but many use vSCSI over the VIOS for data-disks too): before i use the disk on the LPAR i import it on any VIOS i may want to transfer the LPAR to (respectively its managed system).

I hope this helps.

This User Gave Thanks to bakunin For This Post:
# 3  
Old 11-04-2013
Thanks for additional info Bakunin!
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