File Transfer from Solaris to AIX

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Operating Systems AIX File Transfer from Solaris to AIX
# 1  
Old 10-23-2013
File Transfer from Solaris to AIX

Hello All,

Need to transfer 2 Terabyte of data from Solaris 10 to Aix 7.1 (One time complete transfer and then incremental during upgrade ). Please suggest best approach
# 2  
Old 10-24-2013
Originally Posted by kumgy01
Please suggest best approach
I suggest using a network connection.

Seriously: the various means of file transfer methods (off the top of my head: ftp, sftp, scp, tapes, disks, NFS, ....) are all well known and well discussed. What exactly do you want to know from us? What have you done yourself and to what conclusions did you come so far?

We can help you to help yourself, but we won't do your work for you.

# 3  
Old 10-24-2013
My two cents to Bakunin,

@kumgy01 Since you talking about 2 TB of data, I rather recommend you to use a separate cable, because it will really hit very hard on the network. (use a private IP).

This is applicable if you have atelast one free ethernet port on each system
Make sure that both the systems have atleast one free ethernet port, and do a cross connection between the systems. Run a Private IP over the interface do a ping and you are all set to use any protocol.
# 4  
Old 10-24-2013
for regular files tar, or cpio, or1 similiar, that can stream files and directories with a command like compress before and after the network part. i say compress rather than the better compression programs as it is the lightest cpu load, and you may need cpu capacity for other things.

Also, do not try to do all at once. break it done into pieces, and if data reliability/integrity is important compute a checksum or md5 for files, or archived directories.

choose something that is easy to follow to prevent introducing too much extra work.

and remember, work in chunks, verify and backup at AIX side until all is complete.

report back what you choose!
# 5  
Old 10-24-2013
Originally Posted by MichaelFelt
I say compress rather than the better compression programs as it is the lightest cpu load, and you may need cpu capacity for other things.
compress is infamous for making files bigger when their contents are sufficiently incompressible. If you want a modern low-load compressor I'd suggest lzop.
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