Need help on patrol agent service in AIX

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Operating Systems AIX Need help on patrol agent service in AIX
# 1  
Old 08-27-2013
Need help on patrol agent service in AIX


Anyone know what is patrol agent service in aix
If know please tell me the command to check the same.
# 2  
Old 08-27-2013

Patrol is one of the old methods to monitor any process in any server.
Also if you want to check any process in any server kindly follow the command.

man ps

It's man page wil help you to check the processes. Kindly let me know if you have any requirement in which we can help you, will be grateful to help.

R. Singh
# 3  
Old 09-24-2013
Thanks R.singh

but i need little more explaination on patrol agent service and how to check if that process is running or not
# 4  
Old 09-25-2013
Patrol Agent


you can see the process by using the command

ps -ef |grep "patrol"

and in topas command also.please go through this url Smilie

Last edited by Scott; 09-25-2013 at 04:10 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 5  
Old 09-25-2013
Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment First: This board is about helping others to help themselves, not about doing their work for them. We really REALLY dislike questions which can be answered by a 5-seconds google search.

I have worked with BMC Patrol, (which is a monitoring system) several times in projects, but i played it completely dumb and entered "patrol AIX" into google. The first link to come up was:

Overview on how to Install Patrol Agent / RT Server on AIX

from which you can already get the full name of the product and the company offering it, the second link was:

Patrol Agent for AIX 4.3.3 | BMC Communities

Second: what exactly is is you want to know about Patrol? I suggest you take one of the "tips for better English" to heart:
Be more or less specific.
I want to know how i can start the Flurbomatic software on a Wafsomutrix system with less than 50MB free RAM is more likely to get an answer than Can you tell me about computers.

Third: man pages are not for the others, they are for you! If you get stuck using a command then describe exactly where you have problems and what you did to solve it. Repeating the question over and over until someone loses his nerves and provides a full-blown solution just to get rid of the thread is making us wrong-headed at best and outright angry at worst.

For all these reasons i give you the time and opportunity to think over what i said and learn the lessons involved by closing this thread.

- thread closed -

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