Power HA 7 repository disk unmirrored?

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Operating Systems AIX Power HA 7 repository disk unmirrored?
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Old 09-27-2011
Power HA 7 repository disk unmirrored?

hi guys,

I don't like the new concept of the power ha 7 cluster with the repository disk and the internal solidb, I really would like to mirror this disk, but the "IBM PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 for AIX" redbook says, normal lvm operations should not be performed on this disk.
even mirroring the vg wont use much, because the hdisk device is configured directly to power ha, and not the vg.

well the cluster will run without the repository, and a new one can be specified, but with a downtime I guess, but that's not what I want for my clusters. no changes to the cluster can be made without it, even such as start/stop I guess.

everything is mirrored, a downtime of a whole storage side was no problem till now.
any thoughts on this? has anyone experienced the behaviour of a cluster in this situation?
of course I will test this on my own too, but I have no test system yet

cheers funksen
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powerd(1M)                                                                                                                              powerd(1M)

powerd - power manager daemon SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/power/powerd [-n] The powerd daemon is started by pmconfig(1M) to monitor system activity and perform an automatic shutdown using the suspend-resume feature. When the system is suspended, complete current state is saved on the disk before power is removed. On reboot, the system automatically starts a resume operation and the system is restored to the same state it was in immediately prior to suspend. Immediately prior to system shutdown, the daemon notifies syslogd(1M) of the shutdown, which broadcasts a notification. The following option is supported: -n No broadcast mode. The daemon silently shuts down the system without notifying syslogd(1M). /etc/power.conf Power Management configuration information file See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWpmu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Unstable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ pmconfig(1M), dtpower(1M), syslogd(1M), power.conf(4), attributes(5), cpr(7), pm(7D) Using Power Management 15 Oct 1999 powerd(1M)