Net snmp bug

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Operating Systems AIX Net snmp bug
# 1  
Old 09-19-2011
Net snmp bug

Hi Admins,

I have installed net-snmp 5.5 binary in AIX 5.5 box and configured using snmpconf command.When i run ./snmpd -f -Lo -c /etc/snmpd.conf m getting below error.

nlist err: neither proc nor _proc found

After surfing i came to know the same is a bug.Please anyone tell me how to get a fix .

Thanks in advance

# 2  
Old 09-19-2011
# 3  
Old 09-20-2011
Originally Posted by newaix
Hi Admins,

I have installed net-snmp 5.5 binary in AIX 5.5 box and configured using snmpconf command.When i run ./snmpd -f -Lo -c /etc/snmpd.conf m getting below error.

nlist err: neither proc nor _proc found

After surfing i came to know the same is a bug.Please anyone tell me how to get a fix .

Thanks in advance

This is a well known issue on AIX for that version of net-snmp. Use the newest version, or if you can't use the work around found on the net (simply google for: nlist err: neither proc nor _proc found or look at the README.txt).

# 4  
Old 09-20-2011
Hi ,

Thanks for the responses. I have checked in google for the same around is while compliling we need use ./configure without kemem . But i have installed precompiled one and need to get fix for the same. However let me try other versions also.

Actually i tried with net -snmp 5.7 binary but the packages like snmpconf and snmpget snmpwalk not installed.So i have downloaded 5.5 and ended up with said error. |Please can anyone tell the full package of net-snmp which includes snmpconf and snmpwalk etc.

Thanks in advance

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