What is the difference between AIX 6L and AIX 6.1?

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Operating Systems AIX What is the difference between AIX 6L and AIX 6.1?
# 1  
Old 09-01-2011
What is the difference between AIX 6L and AIX 6.1?

Are AIX 6.1 and AIX 6L different?

I am installing an Oracle client on AIX 6.1
OracleŽ Database

Section 4.3 talks about Oracle patches needed for AIX 6L. I have AIX 6.1

I wonder if this section is applicable to 6.1 also or not!
# 2  
Old 09-01-2011
AIX 6, 6L and 6.1 are all names for the same thing.
AIX version 6 was first released at release level 1, hence the 6.1
The 6L, like the former 5L refers to the Linux afinity and is little more than a marketing name for AIX 6.
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