How to recover root password in AIX ?

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Operating Systems AIX How to recover root password in AIX ?
# 1  
Old 08-29-2011
How to recover root password in AIX ?


We have Oracle Database installed on AIX Version 5.3 and we have to take action urgently but must by root user but unfortunately we lost password.
How to recover root password?
Please, be noted that I am Oracle DBA and do not have experience in dealing with AIX Systems. Please, advise me the detailed solution to can follow it in easy way.

I searched a lot here in Forum but could not follow any of them as i do not have enough experience in dealing with suggested solutions i found.

Appreciate your understanding.

# 2  
Old 08-29-2011
# 3  
Old 08-29-2011
# 4  
Old 08-29-2011
actually what you guys recommend may not work - at least on my systems, to login to single user mode you unfortunately do need a password. We run boks but the same might be true as well for ldap environments.

What does work is to boot from any boot media (nim or CD) via sms menu into MAINTENANCE mode and reset the password from there.

IBM explains it quite nicely here

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