Getting size of all the luns immediately via script

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Operating Systems AIX Getting size of all the luns immediately via script
# 1  
Old 08-26-2011
Getting size of all the luns immediately via script


I know that to see the size of the lun I need to give the command as "bootinfo -s hdisk*"

Can any one assist me with a script which if run will get the size of all the luns allocated to the server. The output of the script should be something like the one below :

hdisk0 size = 24GB
hdisk1 size = 32GB
hdisk2 size = 32GB
hdisk3 size = 32GB
hdisk4 size = 100GB
hdisk5 size = 32GB
hdisk6 size = 32GB
hdisk7 size = 32GB
hdisk8 size = 32GB
hdisk9 size = 54GB

The below is the lspv output :

root@cdpsdb01 [/] #lspv
hdisk0          00c2c94668ace58b                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00c2c94668b2322c                    None
hdisk2          00c2c94668acf4ec                    pagingvg          active
hdisk3          00c2c94668abb681                    None
hdisk4          00c2c9466dd92aeb                    appvg          active
hdisk5          00c2c9466de04a2e                    datavg     active
hdisk6          00c2c9466dd8ef19                    archivevg       active
hdisk7          00c2c9466dd6de05                    None
hdisk8          00c2c9466ddf2dd9                    db2vg      active
hdisk9          00c2c9466dd7f66a                    None

# 2  
Old 08-26-2011
lspv | while read diskName others; do bootinfo -s $diskName; done

# 3  
Old 08-26-2011
Above post or very similar command:

lspv | while read HD
echo "$HD = \c"
bootinfo -s $HD

Last edited by pludi; 08-26-2011 at 04:55 PM..
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