For your convenience checkout those links here
also there are some ways to send emails from aix then an sms gateway will capture those emails and forward them as smses just seach for sms and sendmail
Hello Folks,
I need to send the output from shell script to range of mobile phones based on their msisdn . Is there any open source solution could help me to do so from CentOS or redhat ?? (11 Replies)
I am not very much familiar with telnet based scripting so I would need your help to directly submitting sms as deliver_sm or submit_sm msg to SMSC (IP & system_id and password are already known). So, need your help to provide such script. I previously used such script but my harddisk crashed and... (0 Replies)
Hi All,
Can any expert provide me a guide on how i can send SMS from pc to mobile phone using VBA or some other language ?
I am a newbie in networking. (1 Reply)