All ports in use - AIX5.3

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Operating Systems AIX All ports in use - AIX5.3
# 8  
Old 07-25-2011
It could be that those <defunct> processes are related to those dead connections you might see or not in with netstat -an or lsof.

In your case I would make sure, that your AIX is on the latest recommended Techlevel and Service Pack. I would also try to make sure, that your application is running with the latest recommended patch available. Overall it looks as if there is a software problem with your application - I doubt it is inteded to produce so many zombies and that limit to connections.

Is this application brand new installed or was it running for a long time and suddenly showing that behaviour?
# 9  
Old 07-25-2011
AIX 5.3 - All Ports in Use

we used a version of AIX 4.xx, we migrated to 5.3 for performance hardware, and we believe could solve the problem, which did not happen.
# 10  
Old 07-25-2011
Is the "performance" problem the one you described? Or is something else very slow?

What you described so far does not look like a usual "performance" problem where something is working, but very slow. This here is working up to a point and then stops working, kind of.

Was this the same problem you had on AIX 4.x.x? Do you have support for this application? What's the name of the application?
# 11  
Old 07-25-2011
AIX 5.3 - All Ports in Use

My problem is that the application simply crashes the system. Performance is excellent when it is ok. The application is MSM Mumps - Application Hopitais developed for the "Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System." In this application wheel all medical records of patients of the institution here.
# 12  
Old 07-25-2011
I saw there is an Mumps forum - did you try it there already?
Mumpster &bull; View forum - ABOUT MUMPS - MUMPS DISCUSSION & HELP

By the way, do you get any error message in your errpt like
Fork function failed, too many processes already exist.

If it is not running with as root, you can try changing the ulimits of the user (you'll have to log off and on with to make them active) and and start the application with the new settings.
You could also raise the number of maxuprocs which you can check with lsattr -El sys0. Change it via smit or with chdev to twice the amount - default is 1024 I think.
It would be also interessting if the status of the connections from the clients looks different when issuing a netstat -an. If that is the case, you might check if there is any network option (man no) that might relate to this type of status to discard those dead seasons after some timeout.
Since AIX 5 there is no limit to telnet session license wise, if I recall correct. In AIX 4.3.3 there was a limit to 256 I think but that should be obsolete.

Last edited by zaxxon; 07-25-2011 at 06:00 PM.. Reason: 1st post not updating with 2nd
# 13  
Old 07-25-2011
AIX 5.3

Thank you, I will check.
# 14  
Old 08-08-2011
AIX 5.3 - All Ports in Use

friend, next. I noticed that both services use the same port: 33086 and has always been so, can two services use the same port? Another question, this port number: 33086 out of the configuration is defined in tcp_ephemeral_high, now to 32768 and not 65535 as default. You can set off a door that is set to max. tcp_ephemeral_high in? Just to finish in a service was configured / altered to stay within the tcp_ephemeral_high. Big hug.
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