Connect HMC to remote servers

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Operating Systems AIX Connect HMC to remote servers
# 1  
Old 06-27-2011
Connect HMC to remote servers

I'm trying to connect a few servers in different remote locations to my HMC. I added static IPs to the Service Processor through ASM, and did all the necessary network configurations, then connected those servers to our switch. Now my questions are:

- in our site, do I need to connect these servers directly to the HMC switch? or will it recognize the servers from the open network?
- we have two IPs for the HMC, one for connecting to local servers (private network) and one for us to connect to the HMC using a web browser (open network), and we have a firewall between our site and the remote one. So, if I want to request access from the firewall, what IP from the HMC side should be my "source" (where the remote servers are the "target")? open network or private? and what are the ports that I want to be opened? I read somewhere its 30000, 30001, is that correct?
# 2  
Old 06-27-2011
please be accurate if you mean one of the following

Remote Operation :
This task controls whether the HMC can be operated using a Web browser from
a remote workstation.
If you are planning to connect from the same site or over VPN or even give HMC a route-able IP address ( Real IP address ) via browser just read
the following redbook

Chapter 6 Network configuration and
the HMC > 6.2.2 LAN Adapters

For ports if you are using HTTPS just open 443 in HMC's built in firewall

Remote HMC
A remote HMC is one that is network-connected to a distant managed server or HMC.
# 3  
Old 06-28-2011
Yes I'm talking about remote HMC (second option). I can already connect to the HMC using a web browser. What I want now, is manage servers in remote locations
# 4  
Old 06-28-2011
if so , check out this link
# 5  
Old 07-12-2011
OK, so I used the open IP from the HMC. and there is no need to connect the remote server to the HMC switch, since the HMC can use its open/public IP to connect to managed system. everything is working now.... sort of

You see, I opened the right ports from the firewall, and the servers appear on my HMC and everything is fine. Except, when I open the virtual terminal and I can't type anything. no keys or letters are registered to the terminal.

After searching for this problem. I found that the output from lscons is /dev/vty1. And I connected the servers on HMC0 port. So I guess i need to change it to /dev/vty0. But lsdev -C | grep vty shows that vty0 is defined, and vty1, vty2 are available. I'm confused now. How to change this to vty0? And do I even need to change it? Is this even correct or should look elsewhere for the solution?

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