HACMP: difference between 'cl' commands and 'cli' commands

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Operating Systems AIX HACMP: difference between 'cl' commands and 'cli' commands
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Old 06-21-2011
HACMP: difference between 'cl' commands and 'cli' commands

Hi all,
I'm new in this forum.
I'm looking for the difference between the HACMP commands with the prefix "cl" and "cli".
The first type are under /usr/es/sbin/cluster/sbin directory and the second are under /usr/es/sbin/cluster/cspoc directory.
I know that the first are called HACMP for AIX command and the second HACMP for AIX C-SPOC commands.
But what's the difference for example between cl_mirrorvg and cli_mirrorvg?

I know that c-spoc is a single point of control for the cluster and it works across the nodes but what's the difference with other command?
thanks all
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