Running unix command from windows? How?

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Operating Systems AIX Running unix command from windows? How?
# 1  
Old 11-03-2009
Running unix command from windows? How?

Hello Folks,

I have a need to execute certain scripts on a regular basis on a number of (AIX) servers. What I had in mind, is to accomplish this using ssh/rsh, auto login. Initially I developped the script, which can be invoked from one of the AIX servers (by loggin into the first host), and the script will in turn, login to each AIX server and execute those scripts in correct sequence, one server after the other.

But, now I'm asked to do the same thing, without loggin into the AIX server at all. I require to do it from a windows machine.

I've read some posts, that its possible to execute unix commands from windows environment.

Can someone please advise, on how/which method can I use? Thanks in advance.

# 2  
Old 11-03-2009

You can read about "UWIN - unix for Windows" or Cygwin software.
# 3  
Old 11-03-2009
Thanks for suggestion. Can you tell me if the following will be ab option:

- using putty's plink.exe, i can generate a key pair for one aix server, and provide the public key in my windows PC. then using plink.exe, i can connect to first aix server (place the wrapper shell script in that first server) and launch the wrapper script.

Or, pur a wrapper script on each aix server, and from my batch script, i can connect to each aix server and invoke its respective wraper script.
# 4  
Old 11-03-2009
Sorry, i canīt help you about that.
# 5  
Old 11-03-2009
Originally Posted by pogdorica
Sorry, i canīt help you about that.
I've tried the solution, which i was explainin in my last post. When I tried to launch the script from windows, it launch the script alright; however, since the script is interactive (asks user for input), I wasn't able to complete it, basically, I couldn't enter a response. So, I guess I'll have to stick with logging into first AIX host, and then execute my script from there.

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