Daily checks for AIX business critical boxes.

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Operating Systems AIX Daily checks for AIX business critical boxes.
# 8  
Old 11-03-2009

Thanks a Ton

@bakunin, @zxmaus
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SARG-REPORTS(1) 					      General Commands Manual						   SARG-REPORTS(1)

sarg-reports - Daily/Weekly/Monthly squid usage reports creation tool SYNOPSIS
This manual page documents briefly the sarg-reports command. sarg-reports is a script written to automate the SARG (a powerful squid log analyzer) reports and log management. Sarg it self, provide to end user a generic interface to create reports based on squid access log (begin of log to current date). sarg-reports is useful because it allow you to easly create and manage Daily, Weekly and Monthly reports. OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. manual Create Manual report today Create Today report daily Create Daily report weekly Create Weely report monthly Create Monthly report CRONTAB
If you want the reports can be generated automatically insert the following lines (the today report creation time depend mostly of your sarg server load average, tune it): PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin 00 08-18/1 * * * sarg-reports today 00 00 * * * sarg-reports daily 00 01 * * 1 sarg-reports weekly 30 02 1 * * sarg-reports monthly REMEMBER: if you use logrotate, configure it to rotate the logs within MONTHLY basis, AFTER sarg-reports created the monthly html report. VARIABLES
Check before using the sarg-reports that the following variables are set to file /etc/sarg/sarg.conf SARG The sarg executable location CONFIG The sarg main configuration file location HTMLOUT Location where will be saved the reports PAGETITLE The title of main index page LOGOIMG Image logo to view in main index page LOGOLINK HTTP web page link of logo DAILY Word 'daily' translation, translate it to your language WEEKLY Word 'weekly' translation, translate it to your language MONTHLY Word 'monthly' translation, translate it to your language EXCLUDELOG1 Exclude text from cron emails (normally, sarg, during cron activity, if it don't find any valid records, EXCLUDELOG2 It will output an error message (usually on 'today' reports). I don't want to be warned by email about this, so, i wrote the 'text' that will be never logged. This is useful to receive email of real problems only. AUTHOR
sarg-reports was written by Ugo Viti <ugo.viti@initzero.it> This manual page was written by Juan Angulo Moreno <juan@apuntale.com>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). may 17, 2008 SARG-REPORTS(1)