10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. AIX
Hi There,
I have zero information and zero knowledge for IBM virtual machine except Amazon cloud and VMware ESXi (Only Linux OS available).
Anyone could provide me the following answer -
Can IBM VM been deploy on X86 and X64 (Intel Chip)?
If answer is yes any chance to deploy AIX OS... (13 Replies)
Discussion started by: chenyung
13 Replies
2. AIX
I am new to the area of IBM AIX.
I want a AIX 6.1 on IBM P5 server with four scsi hard disk size is 72GB each.
after the the new boot from cdrom for the installtion. I could not find any Hard Disk (hdisk0).
how can I configure the hard disk or find the Hard disk by first... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: alkhatw
1 Replies
3. AIX
Hi, all! I am new in IBM AIX 5.3.
I tried to activate graphical display when connected to my UNIX server.
1) I downloaded Putty to connect to my UNIX server.
2) Then I downloaded Xming and installed it. After that I installed Xming fonts.
3)Then I downloaded AIX fonts and put them into... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: Debuger
7 Replies
4. AIX
This is the password aging script for aix just completed. So far tested and still testing on one of our aix server running So anyway as you can see it is very similar to pwage-hpux-T the only difference on aix /etc/passwd file looks in this format. Also for this script to work you need to... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: sparcguy
0 Replies
5. AIX
As I know PowerVM supports these OS's AIX IBM I and LINUX
but is there any blade or other hardware that allows us to use all these OS's (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Vit0_Corleone
1 Replies
6. AIX
I want to know whether IBM AIX can be installed on the IBM e series and x series server hardware?
Thanks & Regards
Arun (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: Arun.Kakarla
2 Replies
7. AIX
hello all,
can anyone send me ibm aix L1 interview questions...
thank u guys...jiyojith (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: jiyojith
0 Replies
8. AIX
Hi All :b:,
Motto : I am in need of IBM-AIX INTERVIEW QUESTIONS.
I am working as an a operator, on solaris 5.10 env. i have got an opportunity of IBM-AIX Administrator Job. I really don't want to miss this opportunity.
By the way i have basic knowledge of Solaris UNIX, I have confident i... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: imrankhan.in
7 Replies
9. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
why IBM-AIX is preferred over HP-UX .....
In what way it is better for infrastructure......?
Suggestions are welcome...
Suggest you read the RULES (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: bishweshwar
0 Replies
10. AIX
Hello everybody, I am a totel dummy when it comes to UNIX!!!
Must be wondering what I am doing here right?
I'm most keen on knowing about-it-all.
I need help.
Wanna know all about the IBM AIX. The versions, the latest.
Please tell me how do I go about my search.
Thanks a... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: rtanuja
3 Replies