AIX chdev sys0 query

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Operating Systems AIX AIX chdev sys0 query
# 1  
Old 09-12-2009
AIX chdev sys0 query

Hi all

chdev -l sys0 -a fullcore=flase

In the above command please explain why this command is use.and what is the default value of sys0

Also it would be good if someone can elaborate on the 'sys0' thing.

# 2  
Old 09-12-2009
core dump

The core dump file that is created contains a memory image of the terminated process.

Once process terminated abnormally the core file is generated... To completion of full core file there should be some values assigned...

1.sufficient file sytem.. because core file generated in location at where process is terminated..

2. The ulimit value for core dump should be high

3. AIX should be configured to allow for full core dumps

If there is sufficient space in the filesystem and the user limits are set large enough to allow for the generation of a full core dump, but only partial core dumps are created then this is likely the result of AIX not being configured to allow for the generation of full core dumps. There are two AIX parameters that can affect the ability to generate full core dumps; the first parameter is 'fullcore' and the second parameter is 'pre430core'. To determine the currently defined values for these parameters issue the following command:

# lsattr -El sys0

The value for 'fullcore' should be true and the value for 'pre430core' should be false. If either of these values are not set appropriately, issue the following command(s) to update these values:

# chdev -l sys0 -a fullcore='true'
# chdev -l sys0 -a pre430core='false'

And default value for fullcore is false only..

Last edited by sumathi.k; 09-12-2009 at 07:24 AM..
# 3  
Old 09-12-2009
Thanks sumathi.k

The information provided by you is quite helpful.

Can you/anyone please explain what sys0 stands for in that command.

Appreciate the efforts
# 4  
Old 09-28-2009
It refers to your operating system settings

smitty system changes sys0 as well

have a look at smitty chgsys and compare to output from lsattr -EL sys0
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