VIOS SEA on LHEA doesn't work

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Operating Systems AIX VIOS SEA on LHEA doesn't work
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Old 09-08-2009
VIOS SEA on LHEA doesn't work

I am trying to create a SEA on a LHEA port and it gives me error

lsdev -Cc adapter:
ent0 logical host ethernet port (l-hea)
ent1 virtual I/O ethernet adapter

mkvdev -sea ent0 -vadapter ent1 -default ent1 -defaultid 199

method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgsea):
Failed to configure SEA with return code 1 and SEA-specific error code 10:
Detailed info: Setting real adapter ent0 in promiscuous mode failed with error
since it is an IVE logical port, it is likely that this VIOS needs to be configured
as the IVE physical port's promiscuous logical partition

command did not complete

in the redpaper it says
When the promiscuous mode is enabled, the only logical port configurable for an LPAR is
number 1 on the physical port. You will have a maximum of 16 logical ports (based on the
MCS value) for the related port group that are usable if your port group has another physical
port that is not set to promiscuous mode. If both physical ports are set to promiscuous mode,
their port group will only offer one logical port per physical port.
If you assign a logical port to a Virtual I/O Server through a physical port without the
promiscuous mode enabled, the Virtual I/O Server is not able to use the mkvdev command to
define the SEA. SEA requires HEA as a dedicated adapter, capable of viewing all network
packets in order to deliver them to all LPARs or to drop them when they do not belong to the
defined network.
So when I check it:
# enstat -d ent0 | grep Promiscuous

Promiscuous Mode: OFF

How can I switch it on for SEA ?

Last edited by filosophizer; 09-08-2009 at 11:10 AM..
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