Upgrading AIX 5.2 to AIX 6.1 - GCC compatibility

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Operating Systems AIX Upgrading AIX 5.2 to AIX 6.1 - GCC compatibility
# 1  
Old 08-27-2009
Upgrading AIX 5.2 to AIX 6.1 - GCC compatibility

Hi All,

We are in the processing of upgrading our AIX server OS from to 6.1. And we have a set of highly critical running C applications in AIX box. I have a question like whether this upgradation of OS will affect any C code compilation and C runtime enviornment...

how does AIX 6.1 support GCC?

The GCC version is 3.3.3(might upgrade 4.4)..

please help..

# 2  
Old 08-27-2009
Originally Posted by karthikc
Hi All,

We are in the processing of upgrading our AIX server OS from to 6.1. And we have a set of highly critical running C applications in AIX box.[...]
If you just upgrade the OS (but keep your boxes) your C apps should not be affected. The more your code is ANSI-C compliant the better. If you change the boxes too (from Power4/5 to Power6) you might be hit by some massive performance breakdown depending on what code you use. In the later case you would have to rewrite at least part of the apps according to IBM programming guidelines for Power6.
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