Fail2ban: email notifications and banning ssh IP logins

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# 1  
Old 12-23-2013
Error Fail2ban: email notifications and banning ssh IP logins

Hi all. I am using Cygwin in Windows 7 and am trying to setup fail2ban so that I can ban foreign IP addresses under SSH, also getting email notifications. I downloaded fail2ban and installed it. I then created jail.local copy from jail.conf and changed some values in jail.local. Now when I try to restart it using:

fail2ban restart

I get the following error: -bash: fail2ban: command not found

Also same error when I type fail2ban --help

What could be the problem? Thanks
# 2  
Old 12-27-2013
You need where you installed it in your $PATH ?
# 3  
Old 12-27-2013
Try find or locate to get the path to fail2ban

find /usr /sbin /opt -name fail2ban

...then add whatever directory fail2ban lives in -- into your PATH environment variable. This assumes you have fail2ban installed on your system
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