password_needs_rehash - Checks if the given hash matches the given options

boolean password_needs_rehash (string $hash, integer $algo, [array $options]) DESCRIPTION
This function checks to see if the supplied hash implements the algorithm and options provided. If not, it is assumed that the hash needs to be rehashed. PARAMETERS
o $hash - A hash created by password_hash(3). o $algo - A password algorithm constant denoting the algorithm to use when hashing the password. o $options - An associative array containing options. See the password algorithm constants for documentation on the supported options for each algorithm. EXAMPLES
Example #1 Usage of password_needs_rehash(3) <?php $password = 'rasmuslerdorf'; $hash = '$2y$10$YCFsG6elYca568hBi2pZ0.3LDL5wjgxct1N8w/oLR/jfHsiQwCqTS'; // The cost parameter can change over time as hardware improves $options = array('cost' => 11); // Verify stored hash against plain-text password if (password_verify($password, $hash)) { // Check if a newer hashing algorithm is available // or the cost has changed if (password_needs_rehash($hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options)) { // If so, create a new hash, and replace the old one $newHash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options); } // Log user in } ?> RETURN VALUES
Returns TRUE if the hash should be rehashed to match the given $algo and $options, or FALSE otherwise. PHP Documentation Group PASSWORD_NEEDS_REHASH(3)