dns - proxy - samba

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# 1  
Old 04-05-2002
Tools dns - proxy - samba

ok. Now that my FreeBSD 4.5 is running with samba on it (can see it from my win2kserver like any other winx) and i have installed packages like lynx (very nice tool) i would want to solve one more little huge problem.
I want to surf Smilie

1)what's the prob? well, i can surf with lynx to my iis on my win2k using it's ip. The netbios name / dns name / wins name doesn't work. Nor can i surf outside my intranet here Smilie
The problem must be that i must tell FreeBSD what dns-server he must use i think, but how do you configure that?

2)One more thing, to get access to the internet i must pas a proxy server on an nt4 server. normaly with winx you configure in your iexplorer that he must use a proxy server and the rest happens automaticely. Now how, do i configure that to lynx or FreeBSD what proxy server he should use??

once these things are completed, I think i'll start using the xwindow system.
# 2  
Old 04-05-2002
Whichever system is connected to the internet needs to be configured as a gateway if you want full access out. I think Windows calls it "Connection Sharing" or something like it. You set the w2k box as your default router on the BSD system.
If you just want http access on your bsd box, then I suppose you would just set IIS to forward your requests as a proxy service...

Add the w2k (and any other machines on your network) to the /etc/hosts file to aid in local name resolution.
And edit the /etc/resolv.conf file to configure DNS lookups automatically.

Check the Handbook on the freebsd.org website for more info, since I'm not 100% sure of how it done in freebsd.

Please post back with questions...
# 3  
Old 04-05-2002
nonono, i don't have to set up a new proxy server, there is already a dedicated proxyserver (on the nt4 box), even my win2k accesses internet over that one. I am working with 4 pc's here (1 win2k server, 2 FreeBSD's and 1 win2k prof) hooked on a intranet with about 100 pc's all going through that one proxy server. I just need to know now i configure FreeBSD to use that proxyserver.
But I first will try to configure DNS on the BSD box.
Thnx for the information livinfree!
i sure will let you know how i'm doing back here Smilie
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