Shortest way to home dicrectory

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# 1  
Old 02-02-2008
Shortest way to home dicrectory

hi guys, i am looking for the shortest way to get to home directory using Absolute & Relative paths.

Anything except cd or cd/home/user

any help would be deeply appreciated.
# 2  
Old 02-02-2008

You can use following command.

cd ~username

But as you mentioned you don't to use CD at all. I dont think that would be possible.

# 3  
Old 02-02-2008
If it is Your own home directory You want to go to,
cd ~

# 4  
Old 02-03-2008
cd ~ will not work on bourne shells (the default for many unix'es)

I'm assuming by 'anything except cd...' you mean it as it's written (ie cd with no options to get to the home dir).
In which case, cd $HOME should sort you out.

If you want something foolproof though:
cd `grep -e "^username:" /etc/passwd | cut -d ':' -f 6`

is the only real way to be certain.
Depending on the version of grep, you may need to use egrep, or omit the -e flag.
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