Check backup file size on backup tape

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Old 10-25-2007
Check backup file size on backup tape


I performed backup on tape and I want to append more files to my previous backup on the same backup tape. But before I do that I need to know the backup file size of the first backup I performed so that I know the available size on the backup tape. Can someone help me what command I will use to check the size? I use tar on performing the backup. Thanks!
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idevicebackup2(1)					      General Commands Manual						 idevicebackup2(1)

idevicebackup2 - Create or restore backup for iDevices running iOS4+. SYNOPSIS
Create or restore backup from the current or specified directory. OPTIONS
-u, --uuid UUID target specific device by its 40-digit device UUID. -d, --debug enable communication debugging. -h, --help prints usage information. COMMANDS
backup create backup for the device. restore restore last backup to the device. --system restore system files, too. --reboot reboot the system when done. --copy create a copy of backup folder before restoring. --settings restore device settings from the backup. info show details about last completed backup of device. list list files of last completed backup in CSV format. unback unpack a completed backup in DIRECTORY/_unback_/. AUTHORS
Martin Szulecki Nikias Bassen SEE ALSO
idevicebackup(1) idevicebackup2(1)