bulk mail as a background job

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# 1  
Old 12-21-2001
bulk mail as a background job

I presently use the php function mail() to send to a mailing list with over 5000 recipients. Even with blind copy, I get timed out and the process takes too long.

I would like to set the job up as a background job. Can someone help me with the shell code for sending mailing as a background job.
# 2  
Old 12-28-2001

although that most ppl ( including myself) are against SPAM but I am sure that you are not SPAMing ppl

I faced the same situation few weeks ago and my solution was simple , while you are going to BCC all the recipent ....

use PERL ,, it is simple to write a shell script in PERL to send emails , use PHP to store the message in DB or whatever you want ( i.e file ) or just use the script it self to get the message by STDIN

I assume that you store the addresses in DB , let the perl script retreive the message + email addresses and do the process

if you want , you can devide the process to send X emails in each turn , so you don't kill the server Smilie use sleep(X) where X is a number..

I know this might not be the best solution ,, but its a proper one

good luck and all the best wishes.
# 3  
Old 01-01-2002

Thanks for your tip. I am in the middle of combining php and perl now so hopefully it will work fine.

BTW, it's definitely not for spamming. It's for real subscription lists. I too detest all the spam that I receive and wish there was a better clamp down on it. Happy New Year.
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