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# 1  
Old 10-11-2001
Remove comments...

It may be a no-brainer, but the answer is escaping me right now:

I'm trying to write a little script to remove all comments from .c source... I was thinking sed, but I'm not a very strong regexp user (e.g. I suck with sed).
I tried dumping the file into:
sed -e 's/\/\* * \*\///g'
and several variants of it, but I can't seem to get all of the comments out. The main issue is to remove multiline comments from programmers that think they should document ALL technical details in the beginning of the source, as opposed to putting it in a seperate file. The sources that I'm trying to make smaller (they're just slightly too big for a floppy) contain dozens of pages of comments for a relatively small .c file...
# 2  
Old 10-11-2001
if you happen to be able to view the book "Mastering Regualr Expresstions" by Oreilly page 171-174 are pretty much dedicated to writeing a regx for this very purpose.

taken from the book:


but still needing some refined work due to comments offten span multi lines.
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