Dealing with sum

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# 1  
Old 08-16-2013
Dealing with sum

I have file input
1/1/2013    1AS030A    0    1083    CHINA
1/1/2013    1AS030B    0    675        KOREA
1/1/2013    1AS035A    162    662        CHINA
1/1/2013    1AS035B    51    799        INDIA
1/1/2013    1AS035C    0    731        CHINA
1/2/2013    1AS073A    10    1375    KOREA
1/2/2013    1AS073B    0    89        KOREA
1/2/2013    1AS073C    0    159        INDIA
1/2/2013    1AS149A    3    987        CHINA
1/3/2013    1AS149B    97    1324    CHINA
1/3/2013    1AS149C    104    1030    CHINA
1/3/2013    1AS149E    0    826        CHINA
1/3/2013    1AS149F    0    1592    CHINA
1/4/2013    1AS149G    0    1682    KOREA
1/4/2013    1AS151A    0    886        KOREA
1/4/2013    1AS151B    0    969        INDIA
1/4/2013    1AS151C    5    1271    INDIA
1/4/2013    1AS152A    278    1560    KOREA
1/4/2013    1AS152B    0    871        INDIA
1/4/2013    1AS152C    0    887        CHINA

output I expect to have is

1/1/2013    CHINA    162    2476    6.54%
1/1/2013    INDIA    51    799        6.38%
1/1/2013    KOREA    0    675        0.00%
1/2/2013    CHINA    3    987        0.30%
1/2/2013    INDIA    0    159        0.00%
1/2/2013    KOREA    10    1464    0.68%
1/3/2013    CHINA    201    4772    4.21%
1/4/2013    CHINA    0    887        0.00%
1/4/2013    INDIA    5    3111    0.16%
1/4/2013    KOREA    278    4128    6.73%

sum all column3 when its column5(country) and column1(date) are same and also sum column4, print its percentage

# 2  
Old 08-16-2013
awk '{x=$1" "$5;a[x]+=$3;b[x]+=$4}END{for (i in a) print i,a[i],b[i],sprintf ("%.2f%", a[i]*100/b[i])}' input | sort

# 3  
Old 08-16-2013
thanks mr bartus11,

but when i run the script for such a big file (114000 rows), it won't work well

nawk: division by zero
 input record number 1.13053e+06, file dodol.dat
 source line number 1
sort: missing NEWLINE added at end of input file STDIN

and also only certain date printed

# 4  
Old 08-16-2013
try also:
< infile dos2ux | awk '
function pr () {
   for (i in c) {
      if (b[i]) { p=(a[i]/b[i])*100 } else {p=0};
      printf ("%-10s   %8s %5d   %5d   %6.2f%%\n", d, i, a[i], b[i], p);
      delete c[i]; delete a[i]; delete b[i];
! r[$1]++ { pr() }
{d=$1; c[$NF]=$NF; a[$NF]+=$3; b[$NF]+=$4;}
END { pr() }
' | sort

# 5  
Old 08-17-2013
it wont work sir..any suggestion?
# 6  
Old 08-17-2013
What won't work? Please elaborate... What is your OS and version?
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